Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Acknowledgment of African Traditional & Diaspora Religions - The Petition Site

The egregious injustices of the slave trade will continue to linger in so long as the United States government denies the many centuries of suppression of the human rights--especially the religious rights--of African Americans. GI

Marie Laveau
(September 10, 1794 – June 16, 1881)
Legendary Voudoun (Voodoo) Priestess in New Orleans 

During transatlantic slavery, the millions of Africans transported across the Atlantic into the North American continent and its protectorates, were active African Traditionalists, who were denied their religious freedoms during and after their enslavement.

The Diaspora were forced to suppress their ancestral religious practices, customs, culture and spiritual values, in lieu of Christianity. Hollywood, sensationalists tabloids, baised academic journals, mainstream media and Christian evangelicals have all aided in creating an atmosphere of fear, ignorance, hostility and myth by perpetuating negative stereotypes and encouraging the marginalization of African Diaspora ancestral religious study and sacred ritual and practices.This system of repression,

discrimination and cultural malignment has continued even after the ratification of the Bill of Rights in 1791.

Read entire statement and sign petition @
Care 2

tags: African traditional religion, new orleans, slavery

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