Monday, November 15, 2010

Native American History in North Carolina

Peace all. I just learned, mid November, that this is American Indian Heritage Month. That gives us some indication of the invisibility of Native Americans. If you are currently somewhere in the Americas or in some other region where the autochthonous people of the land were uprooted, I would encourage you to devote some time this month to learning something about the people on whose land you now reside. You can read and/or listen to a summary of Native American history in what is now known as North Carolina @ Documenting the American South. 

Also Dig these:

      • Put down the turkey for a minute
      • Black Hawk's Surrender Speech
      • The Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Nation
      • Thanksgiving: the National Day of Mourning
      • A brief report of the new found land of Virginia

[image: source]

tags: first people, native american, indian, north carolina

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