Sunday, December 12, 2010

HBCUs still making the grade but a few are failing

Map source: YBP
11/12/2010- Update at bottom of post 

So I am thinking that we might be setting the bar too low when we boast about being accredited. That said, the continued vibrancy of HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) is essential for African progress. Not just in the United States, but for African people worldwide. 

Several Africans who studied @ HBCUs went on to lead their nations post-independence. They include [1]
  • Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana) Lincoln University and University of Pennyslvania
  • Hastings Kamuzu Banda (Malawi) Wilberforce (Academy) University and Meharry Medical College
  • Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe (Nigeria) Howard University, Lincoln University and University of Pennsylvania

Ten HBCUs Get Accreditation Reaffirmed, Two Placed on Warning Status

by Reginald Stuart, December 8, 2010 (source: Diversity)

Ten HBCUs across the South had their accreditation reaffirmed Tuesday for another 10 years by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on Colleges, the principal accreditation group for colleges across the region.

Two major colleges—Fisk University and Tennessee State University, both in Tennessee—were placed on “warning” status, a position that leaves their accreditation intact pending resolution of issues SACS raised during their review process. Warning is one step short of probation, a rating that could lead to a school losing accreditation.

Stillman College, a small private historically Black school in Alabama, was denied reaffirmation.

The SACS decisions were announced in Louisville late Tuesday as the Commission completed four days of meetings built around its annual convention.

The Commission placed its stamp of approval on Alabama State, Bethune Cookman, Grambling, North Carolina A&T, Prairie View, South Carolina State, Southern University-Baton Rouge, Xavier of New Orleans, Virginia Union and Winston Salem State University in North Carolina.

Read entire essay @ Diversity

Also dig: 
Update: I just noticed that the map I posted indicates that there are two HBCUs in California. I'm from Los Angeles (Inglewood) and this is news to me. I used to refer to my Alma Mater, Compton Community College [2], as an unofficial HBCU. But I am certain there are no official HBCUs on the West Coast. I checked around and discovered that Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science (CDU) in Los Angeles appears on some lists as an HBCU. So depending on who is doing the counting there is at least one HBCU in California. GI 

[1] Source: HBCU kidz African Leader Profiles 
[2] Compton College lost its accreditation for several years and eventually lost its autonomy. The campus is now run by El Camino College and goes by the name El Camino College Compton Educational Center.  

Map of Charles Drew University. HBCU of the West

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