Friday, December 24, 2010

The Invention of "Illegal" Humans: a Recipe for Imperialism in Haiti

"Illegal Aliens are undocumented Humans" (source: Life)
A recipe for American imperialism in Ayiti (Haiti)
1. deny our people democracy and freedom in their own nation by way of numerous occupations.
2. steal their resources.
3. kidnap their president.
4. once you have caused optimal havoc,
5. ship Ayisyens (Haitians) back to the mess you helped create.

For added flavor:

6. A Black president can select G.W.Bush and Bill Clinton to supervise the "rebuilding" effort.

Yes comrades, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.GI

Neo-Washington Consensus. Enemies of Haitian Progress
(dap @ JP for story below)

60,000 Haitians apply for temporary stay in U.S. - CTV News

The Associated Press
Updated: Mon. Dec. 20 2010 9:17 PM ET

MIAMI — Haitian advocates angrily called on the Obama administration on Monday to stop detaining Haitians with criminal records and halt deportations scheduled next month, saying those flights amount to a death sentence amid a cholera outbreak in the earthquake-ravaged country.

The U.S. government's abrupt decision to resume deporting Haitians also will deter others without criminal records from applying to temporarily stay and work in the U.S., cutting off a lifeline to quake survivors, they said at a rally in Miami's Little Haiti.

"Without letting us know they'll resume deportations to Haiti, at a time when Haiti is living under its gravest crisis, it's so unfair," said Marleine Bastien, executive director of Haitian Women of Miami. "It's supposed to be a progressive government. We're gravely disappointed by this."

More than 61,000 Haitians have applied for temporary protected status, which allows illegal immigrants from countries experiencing armed conflict or environmental disasters to stay and work in the U.S. for 18 months. Only those who were already living in the U.S. illegally when the earthquake struck Jan. 12 are eligible.

More than half the applications have come from Florida, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Officials have said they expected 70,000 to 100,000 Haitians to apply before the Jan. 18 deadline.

Meanwhile, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed Dec. 10 that deportations are set to resume next month for Haitians who have completed their criminal sentences, in co-ordination with Haiti's government.

Partly driving the U.S. government's decision was the fact that U.S. law prohibits immigrants from being detained indefinitely, except in extreme circumstances, said ICE spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez. If detainees cannot be returned home, they must be released.

The U.S. anticipates deporting about 700 Haitians with criminal records in 2011, Gonzalez said. 

Read full story @ CTV

tags: haiti, illegal immigration, imperialism, immigration 

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