Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bleed Me A River: A Domestic Violence Anthology

David S. Pointer writes to inform the Camel that he has recently mailed in the final drafts for an upcoming anti-domestic violence anthology entitled "Bleed Me A River: A Domestic Violence Anthology" fundraiser to be released soon by "Published By Westview, Inc." in Nashville, TN as a charity raising/awareness raising book.

David served as the editor on this project.  The volume will raise funds for a shelters around middle Tennessee.   The book includes an interview with a lady surgeon who does volunteer facial reconstruction surgery with domestic violence victims. This surgeon previously appeared on the Oprah TV show. Other items include poetry, art, a short story and an essay.  All proceeds will go the shelters.

A fine effort, the Camel judges.  Look for it soon at the Bookstore.

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