Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bronze Butterfly

1. Could you tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Sabrina and I live in Northern Oregon, about 30 minutes outside of Portland. I was raised in Southern Oregon, and miss small town life. Some of my favorite things include sepia-toned photographs, vintage suitcases, doilies, and art journaling. I am engaged to a wonderful guy named Kris. We share a love of art and design, YouTube videos, and vegging out.
2. What do you make and how did you get into this?
I make a lot of different things. I've been an artist and crafter since childhood. I draw, paint, sew, crochet, and basically anything that catches my attention. Recently, I've been making a lot of cards and other paper crafts. I have TONS of scrapbook supplies and try to find creative ways to make use of them. I've also been experimenting with graphic design, making my own blog buttons, headers, and wedding stationery.
3. Why did you name your blog  Bronze Butterfly?
I wanted a name that was free-spirited and bright. Something that had a bit of a Bohemian vibe to it. I came up with the name on Etsy first, as I plan on setting up a storefront soon. Since I knew I wanted my blog and shop name to be the same, I tried to find a name I could secure on Etsy before writing my blog.

4. Where and when do you like to create?
I live in a two-bedroom apartment with my fiancĂ©. We took the Master Bedroom and made it our studio space. Its divided in half by a large entertainment center we turned into a craft cabinet. One side is my space, and the other is his. I have a sewing cabinet and desk on my side of the room, where I can work on my crafts. I don't really have a schedule or time of day when I like to create. I try to fit in crafting time whenever I can if I feel productive.
5. What or who inspires you?
A lot of things inspire me, including the different blogs I like to read and sites like Flickr, Apartment Therapy, or Design Sponge. I'm an interior design junkie and LOVE a good magazine or Home Tour.

I'm inspired by stories about other artists that I hear. Tif (of dottie angel), Elsie and Rachel (of Red Velvet), Laura (of Violet Bella), and Leigh-Ann (of Freckled Nest) are really inspirational to me. I would love to be able to quit working for a corporation one day, and be an indie shop owner.

6. What’s the best thing you’ve made so far? 
I'm working on my wedding dress right now. I was given a dress from a friend at work and told I could do whatever I wanted to it. My wedding budget is only about $1500. I knew I wouldn't have a lot to spend on a dress, so this is actually a perfect solution. Not only am I being creative, but upcycling is dear to my heart. I LOVE making old things new again.
7. When you create what do you like to drink, snack on, listen to, or watch?
I often create while listening to Pandora on my laptop, or while the TV is on something random. But most of the time, there doesn't have to be anything else going on. It can be quiet. Sometimes I'll snack or have a drink, but I don't have any kind of regular habits.

8. What skill would you love to learn and who would you like to be your teacher?
I pretty much teach myself anything I want to learn. I'll find a good YouTube video if I can't figure it out myself. In the last year, I've taught myself how to crochet a granny square and how to do embroidery. I would LOVE to work alongside Tif Fussel (aka dottie angel), however. She's amazing and has had crafting retreats. *What fun!*

9. What are you working on now and what are your goals for the future?
I am currently working on the "Indie Biz" class. Between planning my wedding (which is, in all reality, one HUGE craft project) and my part time job, I don't have a lot of time for other projects. Working on "Indie Biz" and learning everything over the last few weeks has been beneficial and fun!

One of my goals is opening a new Etsy shop. I've had two in the past, but didn't really know what I was doing. It was a lot of trial and error. I feel a lot more prepared this time around. I just need to really narrow down a product line. After that, I would LOVE to be able to quit my day job. And far into the future, open a brick-and-mortar shop!

10. What are your five favorite websites?
I probably spend way too much time online. I'm kind of a Facebook freak. I usually have a tab opened to my profile whenever I'm online. I also LOVE various interior design sites, such as Apartment Therapy and Design Sponge. With planning my wedding, I've discovered some really great wedding blogs, including Ruffled and Green Wedding Shoes.

11. Where can we find you online?

Thanks for the opportunity to be featured on your blog, Louana! xoxo Sabrina
Next week: Hydrangea Hippo

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