Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bombing for "democracy" in Libya‬‏? One million Libyans say no!

The leader de facto of Libya, Muammar al-Gaddafi.Image via Wikipedia

A Million People March (BBC says "tens of thousands") in Tripoli to  support their leader Gaddafi. The rally is not likely to get much analysis in the western media because the USA-AFRICOM/NATO excuse for removing Gaddafi is that he is "killing his own people" and, presumably, most Libyans want him out--or so we are told. We are not supposed to notice that Gaddafi still has solid support in Libya. Of course none of this is about "the people" or "democracy," its about oil, lots of it and propping up compliant leaders in Libya or a partitioned Libya. And while its distressing to watch the first black president waging a senseless war in an African nation, its not surprising. All American presidents routinely violate the human rights of its citizens [1] and the global community in the service of elite white power.

I stand with Gaddafi...

...and for those Africans who say that Libya is none of our concern, that Libyans are Arabs and anti-black. Remember that your nation might be next if AFRICOM decides they want your resources.


1. Despite centuries of black struggle, African Americans were not full citizens in the USA until the 1970s when the Equal Employment and Opportunities Act was passed. Post civil rights, the prison system has become the new slavery plantation. And many Native Americans still live in poverty on "reservations."

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