Tuesday, July 26, 2011

No, Mr. President, compromise is not fundamentally American, belligerence is fundamentally American

Today, during his speech on the budget controversy, President Obama invoked Lincoln to say America is a nation of compromise. Really? Not sure were he got that from but the indigenous people and my African Ancestors tell a very different story.   
Obama's revisionism sounds something like this:

Slave master: We are taking you to America and enslaving you.

African: Lets compromise.

Slave master: OK.

The reality is that
 Native Americans and Africans experienced unbending denigration and oppression--both of which they fiercely resisted. This nation was built on principles like Manifest Destiny and the Monroe Doctrine. "Compromises" like the Tilden-Hayes Compromise and the 3/5ths Compromise perpetuated white supremacy and black subordination.
Image Source: Brand Book Tees

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