Do you remember this piece I blogged 2/5/10
I purposely did not put this photo as a header on the blog because I knew a lot of people do not like things like this , but this is the harsh reality of the extent of cruelty us humans inflict on Gods creatures that we as a superior are supposed to look after, and not just here in Egypt, how many times do we read in our local papers of animal cruelty, ie breeding dogs to fight . fighting cocks, badger hunting breeding foxes and let into the wild so some jolly hunt could take place, breeding pheasants so the rich can have a shoot on the grounds of some manor house, how much money do we as animal lovers give to what we call good causes, including children's welfare, now look into the stark reality of where does your money go. how many of these charities have the best location in town the best vehicle money can buy so the volunteer has good transport not just in your town but to where ever your money is supposed to go, and by the end of all this spend the actual money that is needed for the child or animal ends up at maybe 1% .
today is the 8/5/10. 16.50 and this is the response I have had from Brookes animal welfare,
first email was sent via their website, before I put the photo on the blog, had a response after two days, by then the maggots would have started to eat the animal alive,the day after the photo, I went back to the area with a can of detol to wash the wound and a tube of germoline as I have 4 tubes in my stock for my own use. and I know from past experience as a smallholder (bred rare breeds on a small farm) the detol would clean the infection and germoline would start to heal the wound.that's what my vet told me to do in an emergency with my Oxford and sandies, but the donkey had been moved none of the neighbors would talk all ran into the homes and the owners home was padlocked, one thing you should know at this point .
Muslim treat everything they own as chattel, and can treat the way they deem fit.and no way would one be prosecuted in this court in Luxor. they protect their own, And I tell you this from on going experience of dealings in this Luxor court, ( money talks and corruption breeds contempt)
On leaving the area I had some guy say I should mind my own business, and it came a bit too close to my decking the him. I realy have to hold my temper here I only retaliate if there is a policeman near, that way the cop sees all and the guy cannot go off and pay someone to beat him up and say I did it, already happened twice in the past 3 years,
And off I went back home with my anger brewing up inside not helped by what I saw 1 day previous and the thought of the poor animal being eaten alive, because of the incompetance of brooks animal walfare,
and I blame them now for whatever did happen to the animal,
When I e-mailed brooks apparently to the uk. why did they not give my e-mail to luxor branch, and luxor e-mail me back instead of all this crap. following is the e-mail conversation after 2 days.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 02 May 2010 12:50
To: Info Brooke
Subject: Contact us
First name: 888888
Last name:888888888888
Address: 8888888 luxor
Postcode: none
Email address:8888888888888888
Message for:
I am happy to be contacted: Not ticked
Advert location: Other
Enquiry: Report of Abuse'
I see a lot of cruelty in Luxor of the donkeys and horses even the camels. one of the incidents there are photos on last picture on the last blogspot.
Dear Mr Roberts,
Thank you for your email and your concern for the working equines of Luxor. I have forwarded your email to my colleague in Egypt, as he may recall the case you mention, or be able to ask for further information from the driver whom you spoke with. As soon as I have received further details, I will update you by email.
Thank you so much for your interest in the Brooke.
Kindest regards
Eleanor Whittles
Supporter Services
The Brooke
‘Healthy working animals for the world’s poorest communities’
The Brooke Hospital for Animals
The Brooke Hospital for Animals
30 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4HH
Main Tel: 020 3012 3456
Fax: 020 3012 0156
Charity No. 1085760. Company Limited by Guarantee No. 4119581
Thank you very much for your interest in the Brooke and for your
enquiry. Your comments and queries are very important to us and we aim
to respond to emails we receive by the end of the next working day.
If your enquiry is urgent, please call our Supporter Services team on
0203 0123 456, who are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
enquiry. Your comments and queries are very important to us and we aim
to respond to emails we receive by the end of the next working day.
If your enquiry is urgent, please call our Supporter Services team on
0203 0123 456, who are open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
| show details 5 May (2 days ago) |
Dear Mr Roberts,
I have now received a reply from my colleague in Egypt who has read your blog. He suggested that the animal be brought to the Brooke clinic in Luxor, where it would receive excellent treatment and the wounds would heal. Alternatively, if you could give us enough information about the whereabouts of the animal for us to track and hospitalize it, the Brooke could likewise provide treatment.
I hope that this is helpful and would be very glad to pass on any further information you had to my colleague in Egypt.
- Show quoted text -
Kindest regards
Eleanor Whittles
Supporter Services
The Brooke
‘Healthy working animals for the world’s poorest communities’
****************************** ****************************** ****************************** ****************************** ********************
The Brooke Hospital for Animals
The Brooke Hospital for Animals
30 Farringdon Street, London EC4A 4HH
Main Tel: 020 3012 3456
Fax: 020 3012 0156
Charity No. 1085760. Company Limited by Guarantee No. 4119581
And in the meantime ///??????/ Nile life goes on and tonight I could not sleep . I blogged earlier on restaurants in Luxor. the place I go to is in the same block as Macdonalds the beefburger joint, every time more often than not when I pass this place I see the brooks vehicle parked outside, now me I really struggle with treating myself to a meal out of my home. but it seems not the brooks people not there money is it. Today it was about 45c with horses parked outside some looking rather thin and sweat pouring off them after they are forced to gallop around just incase they miss a tourist, but when parked up the driver gets to go in the shade of the carriage, all around luxor there are places for horses to stand in shaded shelters but what do the idiot drivers do they park the carriage reversed while the poor horse has to stand in the blazing sun. if I see this everyday how come brooks do not see it on their way for a snack to big macs and rely on us to report them, that puts us the people who care about the cruelty here in Luxor in harms way. these people are not avert to hitting someone on the back of the head if they think they have been harmed in their money situation.Nobody sees anything around here, like the three wise monkeys. and worse of all if taken to court you have to prove it, and photographic evidence is not permitted here,
So nice one from brooks animal walfare luxor Egypt, who have the power to stop any animal driver they deem fit to stop, and can impound the animal from further abuse, backed by the police.
from the 2/4 blog
and this is how to ride a donkey these animals are not meant to be abused by pulling heavy carts all day every day and only get a respite
When the harness or chain cause wounds like this the tail is not long enough to swat the flies so they make a meal of the flesh then lay eggs in the wound that will fester while the maggots eat the poor animal from the inside the only thing I could do was swat the flies and put a cover over the wounds, the owner was not around so I called the neighbor . and showed him the donkey and made A point of telling him I was reporting this to brook's animal welfare. not that they will do anything about it anyway they have too much to cope with as I was told by one of their new vehicle drivers a few months ago.
Its now2.35 in the night and I made a cup of tea and went on the roof to get a cool breeze, across the road to my flat there is an area the horse and carriages use for parking; why ? because it is outside the exit gate of the Temple of Luxor and it is the final stop for the tour buses from the red sea area, here the tour guides can make another boost to their pay by getting the tourists to take a carriage ride around Luxor its all in the plan of the guide for the days tour, to get the bus here an hour earlier before they set off back to wherever they came from that morning,
in this area even at 230 the horse and carriage is parked up no tourist about but the horse is still shackled to its carriage as it has been for or from the first day it was harnessed to it. not saying all the horses are treated like this, I have been here 3 months and these horses have been here also, they are even shod harnessed to the carriage,the place stinks of horse urine and droppings. that tourists have to walk through in order to get out of the hassle area outside Luxor Temple. yesterdays scene at sundown 6 of these will be here all night.
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