Saturday, May 22, 2010

A walk along the bank of the Nile.

All the photos are in the sequence I saw them its rather a long blog.
 I hope you enjoy  what I saw on the banks of the Nile today.  notice how these skimmers blend in with their surroundings like most of the wildlife they are masters of disguise. each one is different look carefully you will see they have different types of bodies

these  are some of the smallest of the skimmers
No rushing  or I miss  what I want to photo  enlarge this one  if you can not see it.
 some have to move before I can see them then getting the lens adjusted is another problem,
 with my  100x400 lens I have no need to change lens  only thing is I have to be at least 1and 1/2 meters from the subject any nearer its blurred.
Corn flower   and Mallow  
 a honey bee  hovering near the mallow  notice the pollen on the legs

 Not sure what was on the mallow leaves but they sure had a good roll on them.
This is a tiny wasp,     lots of bugs and stuff on my blog
The female Nile valley sun bird  in its  position getting nectar from the flowers
The grasshopper  another master of disguise
 A squacco Heron

Pigeons  lots of them in one flock on the bank of the river .
 2 damsel flies today
The black Jack plant  if I had long pants on the legs would be covered in the barbed seeds.
View of the largest Temple in Egypt  from the banana plantation  My blog on tombs and temples of Egypt has over 100 photos of the temple and its precincts,
 today's moon at 19.00
and sunset over the Nile
 Did you know.
May 22nd 1813  - Richard Wagner  was born , Leipsig Germany, composer (Ring, Flying Dutchman)

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