Sunday, May 9, 2010 - A Return to the Afrikan Mother Principle of Male and Female Equality

I ran into baba Oba T'Shaka in Ghana in 1997. We invited him to do a presentation for Black History Month (I think) at the University of Ghana. (We, the members of Pan African Union (PANAFU) Legon ,put on LOTS of programs that year). He graciously accepted and gave a very profound lecture on the Mother Principle. GI

From the book: "A Return to the Afrikan Mother Principle of Male and Female Equality", by Oba T'shaka

A Return to the Afrikan Mother Principle of Male and Female Equality"Human life on earth goes through the same spiral zigzag path of change and transformation that the cosmos follows. The movement from positive to negative, from Negro to Black; from civil rights to human rights from injustice to justice; from reform to revolution; from the lower self of “me first,” to the higher self of my family, people and humanity first; from the lower self of greed and egoism to the higher self of simplicity and selflessness; all of these transformations are part of the cosmic spiral—the Spiral of MA’AT (Truth, Justice, Balance, Wisdom, Love). The progression of consciousness, the progression of history, the progression of human character from a lower to a higher level occurs because, as we go through the cycles of life, as we learn the lessons of Maat, the lessons of the cosmos.

As we internalize these lessons, we transform our thoughts, words and actions to conform to Maat. We ascend the spiral ladder of transformation through the cycles of life, rising to the level of perfection where the body becomes one with the soul.

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tags: gender

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