Saturday, June 12, 2010

More than I bargained for,

When I leave my flat for my walkabout usually I end up where the wind takes me very rare do I plan  where I am going. I thought first as it was late!  well late for me  leaving my flat at 10.00 to see if the bee-eater was still flying around the avenue of the sphinx,  it was not  so I ended up on the ferry , now I had decided to go frogging  yes you read it right, frogging  I have only seen a frog here in Egypt once and that was when a heron was just about to eat it for diner,  3 days ago  I saw some tadpoles in the flooded fields, and mr clever here knows that tadpoles turn into frogs, so lets go look I thought,
On the Ferry boat we usually get the shoe shine boy and the tissue seller boy,  this day we also had a beggar girl, what happens is they beg until they have enough to purchase a pack of 12 tissues 5 egp. then they will sell the tissues for as much as the tourist  is willing to pay  the locals pay 50 piestra that is half an egp. first she went around all the locals  on the ferry with her hand out she never had one kind person  give her money,then it was my turn  Rubbing her belly and the gesture to the mouth saying I am so hungry I need food.

 I take no notice  , point being if I gave every beggar money by the time I got on the ferry I would have to go to the bank to get more money out, so I do not give not my place to feed the ones who say they are hungry  the hungry can get bread for 5 piestras,  I have to pay 1 egp  hungry or not,

 As we got to the other side  The west bank of Luxor I saw there was no taxi drivers waiting and thought great no hassle getting off the boat,


Wrong they were on the ferry on seeing me board the other side they decided to come over and see if the tourist needed a taxi, as I was getting off the ferry this  one stood right in my path  he already asked if I need a taxi , before he could say anything else I stood on the stairs and said in a loud voice,  and I will not need a taxi  at all thank you all for thinking about me and my old bones, but this one just barred my way, I told him move or you will need to catch a boat  or are you a good swimmer, 
by this time all the drivers had reached the safety of dry land  , so I decided to give the frogging a miss for a while and go the other way  away from the parked taxies, no point in asking for hassle. but then you always get the donkey in the pack ,   he followed me for a few yards  with where you go?  why you no need taxi?, I take you to valley of the kings! , you know how much,  I got my pocket camera out and turned to face him, as he saw the camera   he put a big smile on, then the cheeky bastard asked for money,  no I said you pay me you want your photo taken I take it so you pay. the smile soon went off his face, as I mentioned no pay I give to the police, he was gone  and on his way he must have mumbled something to his mates  because as I went on my frog march,  no one said one word,  no sail boat mr,  no tax tax, nothing  never knew the camera could be so powerful, 

Even the shoe shine boys and the ferry man turned  backs no photo  no photo.

More rubbish for the Nile  the cheeky little git asked for money, You take my picture, I take picture of rubbish,  me no rubbish,  yes you are near the rubbish, I said as I walked on,
The bougainvillea is out everywhere in all colours. 
foal training
 more diesel to pollute the Nile, almost as pretty colours as the bougainvillea 
The Little bittern 
a very shy bird sits motionless in the tree when any one is near can you see it,
This baby donkey recognized me from the other day  it came nuzzling up against me for its cheeks to be rubbed  while I was taking the photos of the Little bittern,

The Nile has started to recede and there is shawls of fish everywhere one looks in the waters,
 Mallow plant  bees and bugs


Female Nile valley sun bird 


The Little white egret and Turkey
Laughing dove sitting behind a mallow flower
Water buffalo calf donkeys dog and egrets,
I have so many good shots of the Squacco I have said to myself no more photos but I could not resist this one as it was so engrossed in the hunt,
The butterflies and bugs  will be on
The sand bee 
A bee  from 5ft with the 100x400 lens 
I told you I was going frogging  well I did
and here it is  taken at the same distance as the bee.
And here its been cut and cropped.  isn't it a beauty 

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