1. Could you tell us a bit about yourself?
Hi, my name is Angela. I'm 30 years old (hmm... sounds weird speaking it out loud...), I'm from Greece and I live in an island North-West called Corfu. I’ve been living here all my life except 4 years that I’ve been studying Technology of Graphic Arts in Athens. It has been a really interesting field of study because I got to see and practice many things like offset printing, letterpress, book binding, screen printing, stamp making e.t.c. When I returned I worked for 1 year in a printing shop in Corfu and as a part time teacher in elementary schools in the subject of Art, which has been the thing that I enjoyed the most because I love working with kids.
Now I’m the owner of a Photocopy Shop where I also sell stationery and practice my Graphic Art. As a part time job I also teach in elementary schools whenever is possible. I have a bo-boy (a.k.a. boyfriend) called Stathis but I call him “my beloved”, a younger brother and a sister (they are twins) and a “little brother”, Rocky or as we like to call him “Little Prince”.
I have too many hobbies. I love crafting in general. I’ve experimented with any medium that you can think of. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with crochet and sewing but I also like watching movies, travelling (I want to see the world!), blogging (another obsession!), hanging out with friends and generally, having a good time. I love colors, the sunshine, chocolate and strawberries, fawns and owls, glitter or anything “bling-bling”, my favorite movie is “The Notebook” and my favorite drink is tea in any flavor.
2. What do you make and how did you get into this?
Ever since I can remember myself I've been creating all my life. I've tried way too many things! I always want to learn new skills. On many things I'm self taught, you know the "try and error" process. No-one has ever showed me the right way (after all, I'm impossible when it comes to following instructions!) and who says that there's a RIGHT WAY on doing things when it comes to crafting? I think that I haven’t found “my thing” yet. I don’t really make just ONE THING! I like to follow also the reuse, re-purpose and recycle motto for many of my creations.
I have a series of posts on my blog about "my creative history" and how I got here. To make a long story short, creating is who I am, not only what I do. Crafting keeps me sane! The problem has been that I’ve never considered it as a possible source of income or as you may call it "a day job". After all, it isn’t such yet. But I think it’s a good idea to start pursuing it!
Lately, I’ve been making crochet purses and necklaces, decorated and embossed hand stitched notebooks and a lot of experiments with sewing. But I won’t stop here! I have so many ideas that need to come out in the air that sometimes I feel like my head will explode!
3. Why did you name your shop Anzouya?
My name is Angeliki, they call me Angela and because of a friend's nickname, I'm stuck with.... ANZOUYA! Here in Corfu they have an idiom, sometimes the “L” is pronounced “Y” like Yiannis. My friend George has always been calling me “Angoulia” and just for teasing me he had turned it into “Anzouya”. As a word in Greek you can confuse it with "anchovy" because it has almost the same pronunciation "anchouyia". My zodiac sign is Pisces, so I thought it was a great idea to use it also as my brand name because it is something that I can relate to.
4. Where and when do you like to create?
Wherever I feel comfortable! On the kitchen table, on the bed, on the couch, you name it. Lately I have managed to organize a little corner in my house (as if it wasn't already too crowded!) but it's always TOO MESSY! It seems that I can't really organize my supplies because I have TOO MANY different things for TOO MANY different uses! After all, organizing isn't my best quality!
I'm inspired from anything I see around me, the nature, the people, an outfit, maybe it's a fabric, a color, or just a look from a different angle that gives a new perspective for an unused item.
My greatest inspiration of all must be Elsie Flannigan! She was my waking up call! Seriously! From the day I've discovered her blog I got back on track for pursuing my dream job because she made me believe that it's really possible! I can't thank her enough for that, even though she may never know it.
6. What’s the best thing you’ve ever made?
Hmm, that's a tough one! I really don't know. My best creation is yet to come! I'm really proud of all the things that I make because they help me improve my skills and move a step further. If I have to pick a favorite that would be the Crochet Heart Shaped Bookmarks and the Crochet Purses. I felt really proud of myself when I finished them!
7. When you create what do you like to drink, snack on, listen to, or watch?
Usually I'm so preoccupied that I even forget to drink a glass of water! The truth is that I can be really clumsy and I prefer to keep away anything that can cause a "crafting disaster"! I really like having the TV on though, but I don't really care what's on, maybe I'll be watching a movie or something.
8. What skill would you love to learn and who would you like to be your teacher?
I'd love to learn how to make mixed media paintings. I've always loved painting but never really practiced it. If I could pick a teacher (or two) that would be Kelly Rae Roberts or Tam. They are both so talented and INCREDIBLE in what they do!
9. What are you working on now and what are your goals for the future?
Right now I'm working on deciding which will be "MY THING", because I have already too much going on and I really need to focus. I have an idea about some cute bags and purses and I'm in the process of creating some samples. I hope that I'll be able to release them soon.
My goals for the future are simple. I want to be able to sell my handmade goods and build a successful brand but I don't want to speak big words, I want to take it one step at a time.
10. What are your five favorite websites?
A Beautiful Mess: She's my inspiration and motivation. She's my Crafting Guru!
One Pretty Thing: My daily dose of inspiration! So many crafting ideas gathered in one place! Awesome!
Bakerella Even though I don't really cook or bake, this site is so inspiring and full of amazing photos. I have tried once or twice some of the recipes and they turned out delicious!
They Call Me Cemprut: This girl is amazing! Her creations are out of this world! So colorful and cute! She never stops to impress me!
Design Sponge: It's a daily website dedicated to home and product design but it also has a lot of DIY ideas and so inspiring Before & After photos.
11. Where can we find you online?
You can find me here:
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