Monday, March 14, 2011

"Black" Africans hiding from racist "rebels" in Libya

Aljazeera report on Black immigrants stuck in Libya and in fear of their lives. Early on I felt Gaddafi might be at least partially responsible for fomenting this situation, but I don't think I can blame Gaddafi for these assaults. The immigrants were apparently making a go of it until anti-Gaddafi factions began generalized racist attacks on "blacks" perceived to be Gaddafi supporters. 

One interviewee seems to agree with the rumors claiming Gaddafi hired what some in the media have called "black African mercenaries." But I take that to mean that Gaddafi has recruited lots of reinforcements, including black reinforcements. "Blacks" in Libya have become easy targets of anti-Gaddafi rage. These racist attacks aside, I think it is worth noting that, as far as I can tell--and it is impossible to know for certain-- most of the dead in Libya are not "black" Africans, they are "Arabs" and "Berbers."  View the video @ YouTube - Libya: Scared and in Hiding

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