1. Could you tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Marilyn and I currently live in Fishkill, NY with my boyfriend. I grew up in NYC but kind of out grew the hustle and bustle and love living the Hudson Valley. I still commute to Manhattan every day for work though. When I’m not glued to my Mac reading blogs, I’m teaching myself how to knit, reading books, or going out to galleries and finding new places to eat. My boyfriend and I love to dine out and find new places to discover. I’m also a dessert fanatic. I love cakes (especially carrot). I wouldn’t say I have sweet tooth because I don’t go as crazy for cookies, ice cream and other pastries, but looooove almost any cake.
2. What do you make and how did you get into this?
I make vintage-inspired looking jewelry with a flirty, playful twist. I started making jewelry a few years ago when I was selling customized notepads and marble magnets on Etsy. I started making rings and pendants with left over marbles and cardstock and things gradually took a turn from there.
3. Why did you name your shop Pulp Sushi?
I devoted an entire blog post to this subject which I hope your readers wouldn’t mind checking out by clicking the link: What does it mean?
4. Where do you like to create?
I have a work table in the corner of my livingroom that is an organized chaos. Sometimes I like to sit on the floor at my coffee table and work there or my dining table. Any table really!
5. What or who inspires you?
I keep company with a lot of creative types and their energy and passion inspire me. My current job situation also inspires me because I know it is NOT what I want to do for much longer. It’s pushing me to keep producing more awesome stuff that there will be a demand for and eventually will lead me to drop the 9 to 6 job.
6. What’s the best thing you’ve ever made?
It has not happened yet. I keep trying to out do myself. The best thing I've made so far? It's still hard to say. I do look back at jewelry I made early on and I can see how much I've progressed and learned. My beading has gotten better, I've learned to needle-felt too so I try to do more than just string some beads on stretchy string. I am loving my beaded flower necklaces and cluster flower necklaces.
7. When you create what do you like to drink, snack on, listen to, or watch?
Anything really. I can have the tv on or iTunes. I just need to have some kind of background noise when I work. No beverages or snacks when I’m working because I’m afraid I might spill something (I’m clumbsy) and I want to keep my hands clean so food touching.
8. What skills would you love to learn and who would you like to be your teacher?
I would love to know how to cook! I mean I can, but it’s kind of basic. I think having Sunny Anderson in the kitchen would be fun. I love her show on The Food Network and everything she makes looks so good. I would also love to learn how to sew so I can make my own clothes. And I’d like Tim Gunn to teach me. :)
9. What are you working on now and what are your goals for the future?
This year I am really committed to getting my business in to more B&M stores. Right now I have items in a couple of local galleries and boutiques but I would like to expand even more. Ultimately, I would like to open my own storefront that showcases handmade accessories and original artwork.
10. What are your five favorite websites?
Facebook & Twitter: I am on Facebook and Twitter a lot. Those are the two sites where not only do I catch up with my friends and associates, but it’s usually the first place where I find out about current events. That’s the world we live in now.
Etsy: I love hanging out Etsy. Things are a bit different with Forums now but ever since they added the Activity Feed I’ve been loving it even more and finding more wonderful shops to follow. I like putting together treasuries too.
YouTube: I’ve been spending a lot of time on YouTube lately studying Knitting tutorials and some jewelry making videos too. It’s also where I’ve been catching up with a lot of my favorite TV shows (ie: America’s Next Top Model)
Google Reader: This may be a cop-out but I am such a blog-a-holic. I am constantly adding blogs to it.
11. Where can we find you online?
Next week: Crafted Love
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