Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2nd walk on the West bank luxor Egypt

8.00 and the moon was still high in the sky  as I took my first walk since the 16/6/10.
The Nile was still high  as I was hoping to get on the wetlands as there are a few Purple herons about,

not many birds about its kind of strange  not seeing  the birds  its seems the  Squacco heron has left leaving only some of the late young ones behind . this is a little white Egret  not unusual to see this bird alone,
The camels are getting a bit of a break now its hot and not many tourists about.
this guy was  off to set the fish traps the baby donkey it seems has been taken from its mum,  all the way down the track it was trying to feed from its mum.
Camel boys giving the  Camels some exercise 
Just hope its not another foreigner being taken for a ride,   
The end of today's walk as the wetlands are still flooded'
The roadside coffee shop is closed?
Quite a young foal  its mum can not be far away as its not tethered
I wonder if the other 39 are about. bit early in the morning for them to get out of their pot.

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