Sunday, July 4, 2010

Somaliland: Racist killings and marginalized Gabooyos

Ahmed Shide Jama, in his late 60s, is the leader of one of Somaliland’s marginalized minority groups, the Gabooyo. He lives in the Daami area of Hargeisa, capital of the self-declared republic of Somaliland, with at least 8,000 other families (48,000 people).

See also:

Stones, Bombs, and Planes: A Tale of Two Barbarisms

Minority groups such as the Gabooyo experience discrimination, mostly for the work they do, such as shoemaking and iron-smelting. In Somaliland, most of the Gabooyo also work as barbers, a job no other clan will perform. Minority groups such as the Gabooyo are not allowed to marry into the larger Somali community or socially interact with them in any way, despite the fact that they are Somalis and Muslims.


"I am the leader of this community in Daami; there are at least 8,000 families here but no one knows or cares we are here. It is as if they [the majority Somaliland clans] don’t see us or know we even exist.

Read more @ Afrik News

tags: Somalia, discrimination

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