Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mugabe is "evil incarnate," but not much has changed for poor South Africans

Incidence of Poverty 1993. Not much has changed in 2010

See also:

The Truth about Robert Mugabe

It seems the western media enjoys flogging Robert Mugabe. Incredibly, some critics now compare him to "Hitler." These same critics are deathly silent on the crushing poverty that is still reality for South Africa's black majority. And where is the media anger and indignation  directed at white South Africans who still control most of the wealth in South Africa? The pattern seems to be thus: When black people quietly accept the status quo and/or attack each other, the west and their agents are silent and even encouraging. When we attack white supremacy, we are brutes. 

Aljazeera (see video below) might have mentioned that there is a fledgling black middle class in South Africa. But even that seemingly positive indicator is tempered by the fact that poor South Africans are actually losing ground whilst white South Africans are getting richer. (If your are viewing from Facebook, click here). 

YouTube - Little change for many in South Africa 20 years on

map source: earthtrends

tags: South Africa, zimbabwe, poverty, economics, colonialism, imperialism, mugabe

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