Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Debunking the sagging pants origin myth: Bad laws, bad conversations, bad memory

RIVIERA BEACH, FL - APRIL 23:  A youngster wea...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeCollective Amnesia, Control Issues, and Damaged Goods   
by Terry Howcott

As we are comforted with the beautiful feeling one gets from this spontaneous, middle-of-the-street post-Katrina love reunion, we are forced from that natural high to learn that certain "Black" Louisiana legislators - influenced by awfully strange bedfellows - would have this young man ticketed $175.00 because his pants are hanging below the waist.

One thing that continually gets this writer's goat is the apparent amnesia afflicting a sometimes treacherously critical population of people.

These are some of the same folk who in their own youth, wore strange items around their necks, afro picks hanging out of their hair, and bell bottomed blue jeans that dragged across the ground until they generated layers of dirty strings that carried the stench of dirty concrete.

This was certainly a reflection of profound struggle with youth sense of dignity and self esteem.  

Read entire essay and view gallery @ – Ravaged Cultures
tags: identity, african american, sagging, youth

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