Sunday, September 12, 2010

Steve Biko speaks on The Black Consciousness Movement

Steve Biko dug deep into the psychology of white oppression. Something the ANC was either unwilling or unable to do. 

Biko believed that Black South Africans must decide the future of South Africa. This was a fundamental difference between him and the ANC integrationists such as Madipo Nelson Mandela. In fact I suspect that is why Madipo was never killed in prison. Mandela was viewed as a compromiser. Bantu Steve Biko was no compromiser. I think this statement on page 122 of "I write what I like" is representative. Biko is describing a position paper to a white judge. You can read it online at the link here (page 122):

//this country [Azania/South Africa] is essentially a country in Africa, a continent which is inhabited always naturally by black people, and that whites--it is conceived that white are here and that they may live in the country, or they may leave the country, depending on their relationship with blacks, AND THEIR ACCEPTANCE OF WHATEVER CONDITIONS BLACKS IN THIS COUNTRY SHALL LAY AT A CERTAIN TIME. (my emphasis).//
Some folks will point to the movie "Cry Freedom" as a good source of information on Biko. But it is, in reality, the Donald Woods story. That said, if watched critically, one can learn from it. But black South Africans must not let others monopolize Baba Biko's legacy.

I would imagine that there are young South Africans who know very little about apartheid. Likewise, here in America, many of our people have been conditioned to turn away from their heritage. But its our responsibility to turn it around. We must never lose faith in the youth. South African youth were instrumental in overturning apartheid. African American youth were instrumental in overturning Jim Crow (American apartheid). 

The revolutionary spirit is within them. It just means that we must become even more committed to the Global Pan-African Freedom Struggle. 

We will be FREE. The spirit of Stephen Bantu Biko lives within every Afrikan. Every lover of justice. Afrika will rise! GI [Blogger note- most of the remarks above are comments I have made elsewhere. They appear here in edited form.]

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tags: steve biko, South Africa, black consciousness movement

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