Saturday, September 4, 2010

White Americans in throes of drug abuse "epidemic"...

...Whilst Black Americans continue to be imprisoned in record numbers on drug offenses. What is wrong with this picture? GI

Abuse of OxyContin and heroin in Massachusetts has reached epidemic levels and must be attacked with the same fervor now being directed toward controlling the H1N1 flu virus, a special state commission reported today.
(Globe File Photo)
“The Commonwealth is in the midst of a serious and dangerous epidemic,’’ the panel, known formally as the Massachusetts OxyContin and Heroin Commission, said in a 71-page report released at the State House.
The report drew a parallel between the number of US troops from Massachusetts who have lost their lives in two wars – and the number of people who died from overdosing on one or both of the drugs between 2002 and 2007.

During those five years, 78 servicemembers from the state lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan while 3,265 died from drug-related causes, the panel said.

“The Commonwealth is losing men and women on its streets at a rate of 42 to 1 compared to what the state is losing in two wars overseas,’’ the panel said in its executive summary. “Addiction is a medical disorder, and we have a public health epidemic on our hands that is larger than the flu pandemic.’’

Read entire story @ Boston Globe.

tags: drugs, health, massachusetts, stereotypes, prison industrial complex

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