Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hyper Capitalism: Is (So-called) Terror a Growth Market?

The so-called "terrorist" threat would diminish dramatically if our foreign policy were not so atrocious, our profile lowered on the weapons market, and our corporate controlled military industrial complex did not pursue profit by any means even unnecessary. But then again "terrorism" is itself a profitable enterprise for the wealthy and powerful. Which brings me to the story below. Apparently, the criminal corporation Xe (formerly Blackwater) has gotten away with murder yet again! This is especially astonishing given the fact that a group of Blackwater protesters were tried and convicted in secrecy (they were later released on appeal). Does the madness ever end?

Judge Dismisses Charges Agaisnt Blackwater Guards Involved in Iraq Massacre

by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | Report

In a stunning development, a federal judge dismissed all criminal charges against five Blackwater guards involved in the massacre of 14 Iraqi civilians and wounding 18 others in Baghdad in September 2007.
US District Court Judge Ricardo Urbina ruled that federal prosecutors improperly used statements the men gave to State Department investigators under a promise of immunity to secure indictments against them.
At the time of the shooting, Blackwater had a contract to provide secruity to the State Department in Iraq.
Read entire story @ Truthout.

[Photo: Credit]

tags: military industrial complex, war on terror, iraq, afghanistan, central intelligence agency, foreign policy

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