Saturday, December 19, 2009

Special Request: Please assist the Salvation Army


I am gonna put aside my polemics for just a moment to make a plug for the Salvation Army. 

When I was growing up there were some occasions when my mother had to turn to the Salvation Army for assistance. Salvation Army centers have all sorts of programs to help the unhoused, the indigent, abuse victims, the unemployed, and much more. 

The center in downtown Inglewood, just a few miles from where I grew up, serves free breakfasts and lunches. They have also been handing out free turkeys for the holidays. Just last week my mom told me about an unhoused woman she directed to the local Salvation Army for assistance. 

I am humbly requesting your assistance in keeping these programs funded by dropping a few dollars in the red bucket when you see it.

Your Brother,


tags: charity, community service, economy, poverty, working poor

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