Monday, December 21, 2009

"Precious"--again: Jared Ball interviews Ishmael Reed


Ishmael Reed on Precious, The Color Purple and the Eugenicist Politics of Film

December 21, 2009 by freemixradio

“Three standing ovations given Push’s test run at Sundance convinced some of the business people that although white audiences might decline to support films that show cerebral blacks, The Great Debaters, in which Denzel Washington plays the great black poet Melvin Tolson, or Spike lee’s Miracle at St. Anna, which shows heroic blacks, they would probably enjoy a film in which blacks were shown as incestors and pedophiles.
White audiences continuing to give the film standing ovations and prizes and critical acclaim indicates that when Lionsgate’s co-presidents for theatrical marketing, Sarah Greenberg and Tim Palen said of Precious, “There is simply a gold mine of opportunity here, “they were on the money.  It was Geoffrey Gilmore, director of the Sundance Film Festival, who enhanced the sales potential by providing the marketers led by Ms. Siegel with another selling point. In an interview he said that Push might hit “a cultural chord” because of all of the discussion about race prompted by the election of President Obama.” – Ishmael Reed
Ishmael Reed joined us this afternoon to discuss Precious, The Color Purple and the Eugenicist Politics of Film.  Ishmael Reed is an internationally known author, poet and musician whose work can be found at his online magazine Konch.  He joined us by phone from his home in Oakland.

(I'm trying out a new MP3 Player. Let me know if it works ok in your browser)

tags: ghetto, Ishmael Reed, jared ball, media, pathology, Precious, race, stuff white people like

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