Saturday, December 12, 2009

Not Just Gangstas: Alabama's Homeboys

"I have a lot of love to give, you know? I guess they [the youth] can feel my love and compassion."

These sorts of stories always get to me ( in a good way). Homeboy Industries is a comprehensive Los Angeles-based gang intervention program founded by Father Greg Boyle
Homeboy’s businesses now include the Homeboy Bakery, newly re-opened in our new Headquarters downtown, Homeboy Silkscreen, which prints logos on apparel and provides embroidery services; Homeboy Maintenance, which provides landscaping and maintenance services; Homeboy Merchandise, which sells t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, and mouse pads with the Homeboy logo, now with a retail storefront in the new Headquarters, as well as online ordering; Homegirl Café, newly expanded in the new building with 86 seats, plus a dedicated Catering kitchen provides a training ground dedicated to female clients in all aspects of the restaurant and service industry. A pilot program, Homeboy Press, will publish a literary magazine in late 2008.
Father Boyle sends reformed gang members on an annual pilgrimage to Pritchard, Alabama where poverty is stifling and options are few. Pritchard is a reminder that extreme poverty is not in every instance "out there" beyond our southern border or, even more remotely, the "third world." Poverty is as American as Jazz. The financial downturn might lead to reduced services at Homeboy. Find out how you can contribute here.

I can only do a screen grab. You can view the video over at the Los Angeles Times. 

Homeboys also rap. This one is called "Homeboys Until the End"

tags: do for self, gangs, los angeles, poverty

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