Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Obama family reportedly not feeling Kwanzaa (surprise! surprise!)

Dig it!

Family, do y'all remember Bill Clinton and George W. Bush sending us official Kwanzaa  greetings?

But not a peep from the current POTUS. What's up with that?

You would be correct to point out that this should not be surprising. It is, I suppose,  just another diss by the first black president. He has, after all, repeatedly told us to get to the back of the bus.

According to this AP article (below), the Obama's don't even observe Kwanzaa. Sorta curious considering Obama spent all of those years at an Afrocentric church. Perhaps its just further evidence that Obama only embraced Reverend Wright to the extent that it advanced his political interests.

Incidentally, his strategy of dumping Wright for personal gain matches up nicely with Oprah Winfrey. She joined Reverend Wright's Trinity Unity Church of Christ back in 1984. Her membership was, at least in part, strategic--she was attracted to the church's VIPs. But lo and behold Oprah got famous and suddenly decided that "something wasn't (W)right." She eventually left the church for fear of offending her "very mainstream" (read: white) audience. Apparently neither Oprah nor Obama bothered reading the "Black Value System" endorsed by Trinity. If they can jump ship when blackness becomes a burden, I say good riddance! We can do bad (or good) on our own.


Published: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 8:43 p.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 at 8:43 p.m.
NEW YORK — Four years ago, Evita Broughton celebrated Kwanzaa for the first time with her family — lighting a candle each night and discussing the respective principle.
But she hasn’t celebrated the holiday since.
“It felt like a school project that lasted seven nights,” said Broughton, 27, of Marietta, Ga. “I didn’t feel like I had that connection. I tried to share my experiences with others but no one else was celebrating it.”
Kwanzaa, which runs from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1, may be a mainstream holiday with greeting cards, postage stamps and public celebrations, but experts say its popularity is receding.
It will not be getting a boost from the first family. The Obamas do not personally celebrate Kwanzaa, according to White House aides, though a written message from the president is likely, [haven't seen it yet! we are waiting! kzs] in keeping with the practice of his most recent predecessors, Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
Read entire article @ Daily Comet.
photo credit: Cafe Press

tag: afrocentric, barack obama, chicago, kwanzaa, oprah winfrey, religion, rev. wright

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