Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Homies Over Hoes"

I found this over post over at postpomonurican.

The blogger reports that this Boondocks episode is a parody of "homoeroticism" in hiphop. I think its fair to say that a vocal subset of the hiphop community is anti-gay. And, I am not 100% sure on this one, but I think "homoeroticism" is a popular theme in Queer Studies (the post is over a year old so perhaps Queer Studies  has abandoned this concept, i dunno). If I understand it correctly, the point of homoeroticism is that aggressive anti-gay sentiment deflects attention away from the many counter instances of male-male intimacy among male hiphoppers. 

I'm not convinced for three reasons:

#1. The argument sounds Freudian and I thought folks had pretty much gotten over Freud's sex-talk.

#2. The argument is circular, which means its really no argument at all, i.e., strident anti-gayness is "evidence" of a latent desire for male (homoerotic) intimacy. (Indeed, following this logic my denial might affirm my gayness.)

#3. Intimacy ≠ erotic. All eroticism is intimate but all intimacy is not erotic. I am reminded of this point whenever I am in Ghana. I am certain that all Ghanaian men are not passively homoerotic but Ghanaian men frequently hold hands. Yet, even after numerous trips to Africa, I have still not fully unlearned my American habit of thinking this practice improper (gay).

I can't get this hook outta my head!

"Homies over hoes

homies over hoes

homies over hoes"...

Photo Source: keepittrill

tags: boondocks, erotic, gay, hiphop, homoerotic, homophobic, homosexuality, intimacy, music, queer studies

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