Tuesday, November 24, 2009

COINTELPRO: America's war on Black people

J. Edgar Hoover, Enemy of Black People

Every black person should acquire working knowledge of how COINTELPRO operated. For starters familiarize yourself with the Church Committee Report. What was the origin of COINTELPRO? Who were the major players? What were its stated and actual objectives? Who were the targets and why? What sort of methods did they employ? What was/is the impact? If you do not overstand that the American government is at war with you, everything else you think you know is a lie.

Obama would have us ignore the history of the US government's war on black people and its ongoing impact. And whenever the issue is raised we are told that Obama is the "president of all Americans not just black people." NO! Y'all can believe that foolishness if you want to, but Obama, like all our politricksters, represents powerful special interests like wealthy white businessmen and the Zionist lobby AIPAC. I am not going to get worked up over anyone--not even a black president--who downplays our oppression. 

Dap @ Kushi

Part 1

Summary of Cointelpro in less than 10 minutes

This video is a good summary of COINTELPRO tactics including new weapons that "mimic" mental illness. 

tags: black freedom movement, church committee, cointelpro, counter intelligence program, fbi, J. edgar hoover, marcus garvey, paul robeson, race

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