Sunday, November 29, 2009

Public Service Announcement: The GTO "Formalized Slavery Market" prank

Dig it!

Peeps have sent me this link with the following headline a few times:

 "WTO Announces Formalized Slavery Market For Africa"

Its a HOAX

This is the link: 

Click on headline and you get this (click to enlarge). The presenter infiltrated a panel at Wharton and gave a fake presentation. You can read the details here:

• If you follow the links and look at the images on the website its clearly meant to be a parody.

• The website is a clever clone of the official WTO website (WTO replaced GATT in 1995):


• Wharton is business school but they ain't into slave markets--at least not formal ones.

• The pranksters go by the name "Yes Men." They are anti-corporate activists who use parody to highlight their cause. See the following links:

Yes Men Official Website:

Yes Men on Wikipedia


tags: hoax wto gatt wharton slavery

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