Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tracy is wrong, she's a woman: An Ode to Larry Summers

dig it!

(I pinched this pic from Lisa R. It immediately made me think of Larry Summers)

The back story: Larry Summers, ex-President of Harvard University, was pushed out of leadership @ Harvard after a number of blunders. Besides what his detractors viewed as poor atrocious social and managerial skills, a gaffe that helped to galvanize opinion against him was his suggestion that biology might play a role in the math and science gender gap. Summers was more-or-less forced to step down after receiving a stunning vote of no-confidence from Harvard faculty. He was subsequently tapped by the Obama administration to serve as chief economic advisor to the President (or sumthin' like that). Harvard, as it turns out, now has its first female president Drew Faust, a historian by training.

tags: barack obama, drew faust, gender gap, harvard university, larry summers

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