Monday, November 30, 2009

Put down that turkey for a minute...

Put down that turkey for a minute and drop a few lines about the indigenous nation in your area. Nothing elaborate, keep it simple. 

I will kick it off. 

I'm in Boston. A major group in the New England area are the Wampanoag, a confederation consisting of 69 "tribes," including the Mashpee. A sizable number of Wampanoag's married African Americans.

The Pahtuksut Wampanoags rescued the "Pilgrims" from starvation at Plymouth. The "Pilgrims" returned the favor with genocidal pogroms. Thanksgiving is the mythical account of Wampanoag and English settler contact. 

A Mashpee sista wearing white sash and crown [1]

Foxx Family Wedding (Mashpee Wampanoag), 2008 [2]
Penny Gamble Williams and Thunder Williams [3]


[1] Photo source: kathy sharp frisbee

[2] From left: Anne, Monet, Majai, Aisha, and Maurice Foxx. Photo by Kevin Cartwright. Courtesy NMAI. [Source: American Indian News Service].

[3] Source: American Indian News Service] (DAP @ Adia)

tags: african american, first people, holidays, holocaust, identity, indian, mashpee, massachusetts, native american, race, wampanoag

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