Friday, November 27, 2009

Famous Ethiopian singer Manalemosh Dibo passed away (Dap @ Terry)

[Source: Ethiopian Review]

manalemosh diboOne of Ethiopia’s most popular singers, Manalemosh Dibo, passed away today from natural causes, according to news sources inEthiopia.
Manalemosh died in South Africa where she went to receive medical treatment after suffering from intestinal cancer for over a year.
Before going to South Africa Manalemosh was receiving treatment at Tikur Anbessa (Black Lion) Hospital in Addis Ababa. When her condition deteriorated, Tikur Anbessadoctors recommended that she gets treatment abroad. Ethiopian billionaire Al Amoudi covered her expenses to travel to South Africa.
Manalemosh was a young singer who's popularity grew with each song she released. She is particularly well-known for her traditional songs such as Asabelew, Awdamet, and Minjar.
Below is a video of one of her most popular and Ethiopian Review's favorite songs:

tags: cancer, entertainment, ethiopia, music, oromo

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