Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Forgot its Tuesday market day.

  1. Sun up at 6.00 and I was already on the West bank so was the Little White Egret  waiting for enough light to go fishing in the Nile.

It seems its duck day today;  these two enjoying an early paddle hoping there are still a few frogs left for breakfast,     I am having duck for dinner,

 a group of Aylsbury ducks  went swimming off to one of the sand banks  in the river,
must be some goodies over there.  The farmer was also  getting some goodies for his home, bags of sand ! Goodness knows why he had to go to all that hard work  carrying bags of sand through the flooded field,  

As  I said I forgot its Tuesday market  this was the reminder as I was getting off the ferry and up the steps to the Promenade.   These are on the way to market,  thats if the duck does not escape first.
  the last mile to market ,not far to go now.

Early trading!  Dates are in huge demand now its Ramadan,  these have been brought in from the Fayoum oasis area.

The water buffalo with their minders the egrets.

.The cleaner pigeon, the only other passanger on the upper deck of the Nile crossing.

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