Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ok, the white guys now say its cool to believe in parallel worlds...

Judge Forman (r) awards Albert Einstein his ce...Image via Wikipedia

I can't recall who I pinched this from, but it is a fascinating discussion of parallel universes. Apparently, string theory (whatever that was) has gone out of vogue and the latest physicist fashion is "membrane theory" or sumthin' like that. Another thing that jumps out at you is that physics is far less objective than you might imagine. As one (admittedly bitter) commentator notes, the field is driven as much be fads and personalities as it is by objective facts...

In my parallel world I think I am a ghetto physicist. I recall, when I was a student at Compton Community College, being mesmerized by an old dusty copy of a book on Albert Einstein's effort to develop a universal field theory--which is pretty much what the string and membranes folks are pursuing. I can also recall making up my own theorems in junior high school geometry. But public schools in the ghetto have a way of diminishing the potential of their black wards generally and black boys specifically. But black folks and science is another blog for another day...

 Oh, and by the way, none of this parallel world talk is really new to us Afrikans who believe in the power of our Ancestors to intervene in earthly matters. Axé (Brazilian Yoruba for "African spiritual power")!

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tags: Albert Einstein, ancestors, science, the anthropology of science

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