Saturday, August 28, 2010

How To Install kasahorow African language fonts for Mac OSX and PC/Windows

African languages SVImage via WikipediaLast night I was FINALLY able to download African language keyboards to my Mac! (dap @ Mighty African). I am now motivated to study Akan (Twi) more regularly. I am also hoping to pick up a some Hausa and Ewe. Below is an instructional video for installing the keyboards to  Macs and PCs/Windows.

NB: When you click on the link at step 2 on the video, you will both Mac and PC options. The instructions are not difficult and I am not very knowledgeable about computer stuff. At some point the instructions say you have to close and reopen something (I forget what). This was confusing to me. You will get the prompt to close the thingy, which I did. But I didn't see how to "reopen," so I just bypassed that step and it worked out fine. Once you have checked off the langages, look at the up right hand corner of your screen, click on the flag symbol to toggle back and forth between the languages you have selected. You may select "show keyboard viewer" to learn the keys for the characters you need to type. For example, if you toggle to the Akan keyboard, the letter "x"is converted to the letter "ɔ." GI

(if reading from Facebook notes, click here.)

 If video is disabled, you can view the instructions @ kasahorow Keyboards

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