Friday, August 13, 2010

President Obama, the 50 percent mark and the battle for the House

Barack and Michelle ObamaImage by Wa-J via Flickr"The fox and the wolf"...

We can fret over polls or Michelle Obama's latest fashions or the POTUS's prettified speeches or we can "do for self." You decide. GI


by Chris Cillizza for the Washington Post

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Gallup recently released a study examining the correlation between a President's approval rating and the losses or gains his party incurs in midterm elections.

The results have to be worrisome for Democrats with just 81 days before the 2010 vote.
In the seven midterm elections since World War II in which the president's approval rating was under 50 percent in the run-up to the vote, his party lost an average of 36 House seats. By contrast, presidents with approval ratings over 50 percent see their party shed an average of 14 seats.

In the most recent Gallup daily tracking poll, Obama's approval stands at 46 percent, and it has hovered between 44 percent and 47 percent for much of the last three months.

Assuming Obama's numbers don't improve between now and Nov. 2 -- and the stability they have displayed over the past 90 days suggests that, barring a large-scale event, they won't -- it's clear that Democrats are headed for major losses at the ballot box this fall.

 Read entire essay @ The Fix 

tags: barack obama, do for self
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