Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New posts for nile life

Yesterdays blog took almost 2 hours to set up, and today I have been told  that I have exceeded my quota.on the nilelife2 blog. and they have give me a list of yearly prices for more space. 4 days ago I prepared this site for my going on travels.   I moved almost 300 photos to the nilelife.blogspot  to save any hassle while traveling.
anyway  as it turns out todays blog is mainly writting and this will be the last post on  here.the new posts are on  my original  nilelife blogspot
You will also have to read this post on the nile life post. it apparently takes google 3 months. to off load the photos I have taken off?????????????? they are a law unto themselves  no way of connecting to them ,
so what I say is play the game  make a new Gmail address and make a new blog as I have in the past. 4 gmail addresses now,   nilelife... 1..2....4.. all you need do is  take out or add the no and put in 1,   2  or 4

sorry about this  but I do hope you will cintinue to follow on the nilelife. blogspot  I am off on my travels around Egypt for a few weeks and will be blogging every evening on what I see on my journey.

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