Monday, February 1, 2010

Another major earthquake in Ayiti (Haiti) is unfathomable, but apparently possible.

Posted by the ghetto intellectual 1/1/2010

JPL seeks warnings of even bigger Haitian quake
Jan. 30, 2010 | KPCC Wire Services | KPCC

Geologists from Southern California are flying aircraft back and forth across the network of faults in Haiti to look for signs that the recent big quake may just be a foreshadow of a monster quake yet to come.

Radar strapped to the belly of NASA jet crisscrossed the island of Hispaniola this week taking three-dimensional snapshots of the island's surface that scientists say will allow them to create precise topographical maps, according to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory near Pasadena.
Flight plans call for multiple observations of the Caribbean island's faults this week and and in early to mid-February.

"What happens sometimes is there's one big earthquake and then later -- weeks, months, sometimes years afterward - you see the second earthquake is triggered," Paul Lundgren, principal investigator at JPL for the Hispaniola overflights, told the Pasadena Star-News. "We want to have observations in place in case that occurs."

Read entire story @ SCPR

tags: haiti, earthquake

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