Sunday, February 7, 2010

"They're letting the people die"


They're letting the people die. We see the food and water that the world has
sent to Haiti, but the World Relief Organizations who have been entrusted to
distribute the world's aid to Haiti's suffering earthquake victims are letting
it just stockpiled. Tell the world, PLEASE. They're letting the world die.

Where is the Diaspora? Where is the voices raised against this utter

- A Haitian Lawyer in Haiti
Feb. 7, 2010

Ezili's Response:

Kouraj my sister. The only ones we can count on are ourselves. Give me your
location, we've trucked some food and water down from the DR, if some is still
left, I'll try and get it to your location.

Ezili Danto.

***************in this post***********

- Ratcheting up genocide in Haiti: Before earthquake the killing was by UN
bullets, exclusion, NGO false benevolence, US false charity and cruel
immigration laws. After Jan 12 it’s all those PLUS our people are allowed to
die of critical earthquake injuries, starvation, suffering, trauma and thirst



I don't know what else to say. I have no more words to tell you of the
inhumanity going on in Haiti and how USAID and the US and their NGOs have taken
control of the generosity of the world and are letting the people of Haiti DIE,
DIE, DIE. And in plain SIGHT there is food, there is water. Aid that the
world’s people have sent to assuage suffering, thirst, hunger, pain of the
earthquake victims of Haiti. But it's not being distributed. The suffering is
devastating. It took me days after returning from Haiti to get my hands to stop
shaking.  And no Haitian has the luxury of allowing trauma to paralyze. Our
enemies are not taking a rest in their genocidal maneuverings for our people.
No. The Chicago-boys' Disaster capitalism is on schedule.

But Haitians at home ask me to tell you they're dying. They're dying.


I say the US is blocking flights into Haiti and Haitians must go through the
Dominican Republic and if they are not US citizens and just mere legal
residents in the US, they're afraid to come, even the long way around, because
the US is only allowing US citizens to LEAVE Haiti and those severely injured
who will DIE within 48hours if not flown out!!! So, if they come and cannot
leave, who will take care of their families in the US? This is so inhumane, so
heart-stopping cruel and the evil is telling the world it’s "helping
Haitians." The way they helped with the search and rescue of Haitians entombed
under concrete the first 48 hours when many could have been saved? What human
being can ever stop hearing those cries, those moans, desperate, shrieking and
then, as days went by, and then nothing.

Zili, i can still hear her, she's down there. Still alive. Put your ear to the
stone. See I told you she's still alive. But at least this time I couldn't hear
anything. I've heard in other places where frantic parents dug with their
hands. How does a mother live after that. How does a father find strength to be
useful again, after that? And now, they who survived the death of every family
member, or of a child, a parent, a friend, a relative, now they wish they had
died too because the water, the food that could keep their bodies going, as
their souls writher in remembrance, in lost, and in unbounded grief, is being
withheld. What terror?

Water boarding the detainees at Guantanamo is nothing compared to this.

I remember Father Jean Juste's "Message to the Diaspora."

It was at a time in 2005 when Bush's imposed Boca Raton regime was killing
Haitians, killing Haitians in Site Soley and the UN/US was killing Haitians,
killing Haitians in Site Soley, Belair, Fort National. Father Jean Juste who
was twice imprisoned by our "saviors" under the UN and US, said this, at the
time to the Haitian Diaspora:

"I ask for justice for all Haitians. The other week I was in Miami protesting
at the Brazilian embassy against the assassinations of Haitians by Brazilians,
by the UN, committed against those who are the poorest of the poor...

It’s a criminal act of the nth degree ... it's the
politics of exclusion, politics of oppression, a politics where a small group
is trying to monopolize power by removing Haiti’s democratically elected
president, Jean Bertrand Aristide…

If you don’t want all the Haitians to die in Haiti… YOU must stand up. ..I
don’t understand. You must stand up, en mass, and protest MINUSTAH’s
killing of Haitians in Haiti. You have rights in the US...  If we are suffering
in Haiti, you are culpable, you in the US because you won’t stand up for
those dying in Haiti." (Message to the Diaspora - in Kreyol/

He was speaking about the 9,000 UN troops shooting unarmed Haitian women,
children, handicap people, even babies. Today his message still resonate,
except that the opportunity to "kill Haitians, kill Haitians", as that US video
game - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City- advocates, doesn't have to be done by a
bullet. No. The earthquake allows those wanting Haiti's Black majority dead to
just let the earthquake victims whose legs, arms and other limbs that were
amputated coagulate in blood clots and with no anti-coagulants being
distributed, they are dying by the thousands. Allow people with little water,
food for 27 days since the earthquake to just be without water, food or
medicine. They die horribly, horribly. And I won't go back to Haiti unless I've
got more doctors, more food, more water, more medicine...and the US iron will
blocking aid to the people, has STOPPED.

That iron will to depopulate Haiti and take the land, the resources, the
strategic location of Haiti, looms large against Haiti's defenseless and
impoverished. Who will stand up against it? Who understands it enough not too
waste time in useless talks and promises, if not us.

Remmember how Haitians in New York got together and raised tons of food, water
and medicine in September 2008, after the four devastating back-to-back storms?
Remmember the international pledges to help the hurricane victims and how that
came to naught and how the $100million that Congresswoman Maxine Waters and
others at the CBC pushed the Bush administration to pass through never reached
those most in need. But paid NGO staff salaries and shipping fee? Remmember how
the people died, and died and suffered in flooded-out Gonaives. How the UN
"help" was no help. The 10,000 NGO help was no help? At least 26 severely
malnourished children have died while food Haitians in New York sent rot in
storage? Remember people in Goanaves  were living on their roofs for five, six
months, with little relief? No flood barriers, or major washed-out roads and
infrastructure were ever rebuild, no aid in any substantial manner ever reached
the flood victims. The same is going on in Haiti right now with the earthquake.

Here's a reminder of yesterday that is today in Haiti:

"In New York, 77 tons of food collected by New York Haitians for Haiti still
remained in storage after three months because USAID instructed the food had
to be shipped by its approved contractor and received by one of its approved
NGOs, not directly to the Haitian government. Ezili's HLLN was told, upon
inquiring why these donations were not flown out as urgency demanded, that the
Federal Government declined transport and even when New York offered to pay for
transport, their National Guards were denied airspace clearance.". It seemed
that USAID, as the US Federal Government agency in charge, would rather see
the collected food, water and medicine rot than have their contractors NOT make
money off its shipment and delivery in Haiti! And, it did rot in a warehouse
in New York while the storm-ravaged people New York Haitians had collected it
for, starved and died. (Obama's empty promises: Change did not come)

Remember this, in 2008 after the storms:

"More than six weeks after the fourth cyclone in three weeks hit Haiti the
relief operation has almost ground to a halt according to a major aid
organisation there. Max Cosci, spokesperson for Medicins Sans Frontieres in
Haiti, says that a mixture of red tape and a failure to properly coordinate the
work of different aid agencies is to blame. "There are a lot of organisations,
especially NGOs and humanitarian organisations, international or national and
there is not a clear coordination among them" he says.... Haiti's Prime
Minister, Michele Pierre-Louis, agrees that the relief operation is badly
organised and that her government is finding it impossible to coordinate the
work of many international aid agencies. "It's true that there is a major
coordination problem. You see, a lot of NGOs do as they wish and the government
has not been able, so far, to coordinate their efforts," she says.

Ms Pierre-Louis says this is because western countries have long viewed Haitian
governments as corrupt and inefficient. As a result they channel their
donations through international aid agencies, or NGOs, who then virtually run
the show. She insists that times have changed and foreign aid organisations
should now allow her ministers to better co-ordinate their activities.

But Ms Pierre-Louis believes the world's financial crisis, which has resulted
in much of the promised aid failing to arrive in Haiti, is an even bigger

"Close to a month after [the last cyclone] we only got 10% of the amount
solicited," she says. (Haiti aid effort unravels by Mike Thomson, BBC News,
Oct. 24, 2008

And the same USAID/US/UN/NGO chorus plays on in Haiti right now.
The people suffer and are dying.

Ezili Danto of HLLN
February 7, 2010

Forwarded by Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network

Recommended HLLN Links from 2008:
Starvation slams Haiti
Kids dying after 4 storms ravage crops, livestock

Haiti: storm victims starve, Nov. 4, 2008

Haiti aid effort unravels by Mike Thomson, BBC News, Oct. 24, 2008

US lawmaker calls for action against Haiti hunger , Nov. 26, 2008

Food Donation Rot in New York while Haitian Storm Victims Starve and Die, Sept.
8, 2008

Congresswoman Waters Calls on USAID to Save the lives of Children Starving in

HLLN on oversight needed on USAID


tags: haiti, earthquake, relief effort,

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