Thursday, February 4, 2010


Dont you just love it when you get a real shit of a week,   no e-mails no one contacts you,your  back and all the joints acke from over working them like lugging suitcases around!.. trying to get a trustworthy person to move the furniture  while having a problem with the language barrier.
then out of the blue some kind person who has lost all but one of her reletives in a plane crash and her remaining reletive turns out to be a right  bastard who she cannot trust.  and decides I am  the only person she can trust with her heirloom,   matter of fact I feel very good about this after all, She has written personally to a person in one of the most corrupt countries in the world and asked for help, now she has put me in a dilema  I just do not know what to do  should I give her my bank details so she can send me the 22 million Euro  when I am not sure if I could trust my bank with that kind of money, so rather than have more worries  I have declined here kind offer.  I know I am being silly but I have been working with the Arabs too long  and I realy . when it gets down to the nitty gritty I have no trust in people anymore.
 by the way here name was  Justina luk

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