Sunday, February 28, 2010

Octavius Valentine Catto (1839-1871): Civil Rights Pioneer Murdered by White Man and Forgotten

These stories are inspiring and infuriating. I found this one whilst poking around @ We All Be.

Beyond the obvious, it is a good example of why black-on-black violence continues to fester in some parts of Black America. Violence in our communities is an outcome of centuries-old white belligerence.

See also:

Derrion Albert Remix

The Price of American Belligerence

How does it feel to be a problem? W.E.B. Du Bois

Civil Rights leader, Baseball Pioneer. He Worked ceaselessly throughout his life toward the goal of establishing full and equal rights for African Americans, including the fight to integrate streetcars in Philadelphia. Born in Charleston, South Carolina, he moved with his family to Pennsylvania as a child and graduated from the Institute for Colored Youth (now Cheyney University), where he became a professor. He was also a staunch advocate of the Republican Party. 

During the Civil War, Professor Catto was commissioned a major in the First Division of the state's National Guard, helping raise 11 Black regiments for the Union. Because of his efforts, Pennsylvania passed the 15th Amendment in 1869, guaranteeing voting rights for black males. 

Read entire story @ W.E. A.L.L. B.E.: Octavius Valentine Catto: The Forgotten Hero...

tags: civil rights, heritage, racism, resistance, white supremacy, war on black people, terrorism

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