Tuesday, February 16, 2010

International Black Power Studies Symposium- Sarah Lawrence College (dap @ Chichi)

Posted by the ghetto intellectual 2/16/2010

Dig it!

Monday, February 15 to Saturday, February 20 2010

Art Exhibit directed by Rico Speight: Elombe Brath—Harlem’s Golden Age of Black Power, Lobby of Heimbold Visual Art Center

Invited Guests & Schedule

(subject to change)

Monday, February 15
“Freedom North”
Titsworth Lecture Hall

7 p.m. Welcome by Komozi Woodard
  • Brian Purnell, Brooklyn CORE and the Black Revolt
  • Johanna Fernandez, Denise Oliver and the Young Lords
  • Angela Dillard, Black Liberation Theology in the North
  • David Goldberg, Black Power and the Building Trades

Tuesday, February 16
Titsworth Lecture Hall

7 p.m. Welcome by Komozi Woodard
  • Jeffrey Perry, Hubert Harrison
  • Minka Minkalani, African Blood Brotherhood
  • Patrick Jones, Father Groppi and the Milwaukee Black Power
  • Peter Levy, Gloria Richardson and the Cambridge Movement

Wednesday, February 17
The Historiography of the Long Black Revolt
Titsworth Lecture Hall

7 p.m. Welcome by Komozi Woodard
The Impact of Cultural Nationalism on the Black Power Movement
  • Maulana Karenga, Kawaida, Us, Black Power and Revolution: Intellectual and Political Initiatives
  • Charles Jones, Revolutionary Nationalism or Cultural Nationalism?
  • Michael Simanga, Congress of African People: 40th Anniversary (1970-2010)
  • Komozi Woodard, Urban Uprisings and Black Power Conferences

Thursday, February 18
Heimbold Visual Arts Center

4 p.m. Information packets, name tags and refreshments at Heimbold
6 p.m. Welcome by Komozi Woodard
6 p.m. Black Power and the International Tradition in the United States: Chaired by Michael West
  • Stefan Bradley, “Two, Three, Many Columbias”:  The International Influence of Black Student Power
  • Seth Markle, “A Refugee of Racial Oppression”: Robert F. Williams in Tanzania, 1968-1969
  • Paula Marie Seniors, “For Freedom Now”: African American Woman Radical Activists and the Grenadian and Nicaraguan Revolutions
  • Fanon Che Wilkins, On the Frontline with FRELIMO: Owusu Sadaukai and the Demystification of Armed Struggle, 1971
8 p.m. Roundtable: The Life & Legacy of Malcolm X
  • Michael Simanga
  • Komozi Woodard
  • Willie Kelley
  • Maulana Karenga

Friday, February 19
Heimbold Visual Arts Center

10 a.m. Registration at Heimbold Visual Arts Center (Refreshments will be provided)
11 a.m. Welcome at Heimbold Visual Arts Center by Komozi Woodard
11 a.m. Black Power in the Caribbean and Canada: Chaired by Michael West
  • David Austin, A Phenomenology of Blackness. The Congress of Black Writers, Montreal, and the Making of the Caribbean New Left
  • David Johnson, Black Power and “Doctor Power” in Trinidad & Tobago
  • Quito Swan, “I and I" Shot the Sheriff: Black Power in Bermuda and the West Indies
1 to 1:45 p.m. Lunch Break at Heimbold, Pub and Bates Dining areas
2 p.m. Groundwork
  • Genna Rae McNeil, The Case of Joan Little
  • Kat Charron, Septima Clark and Citizenship School
  • Scot Brown, Black Power, the U.S. Organization and Cultural Nationalism: The Politics of the Present in the Writing of History
  • Renaldo Andersen, Des Moines and the Black Panthers in the Heartland
  • Hasan Jeffries, Bloody Lowndes and the Roots of Black Power
4 p.m. The Jim Crow North: The backstory of Freedom North
  • Jeanne Theoharis, Freedom North, Groundwork & Want to Start a Revolution?
  • Matthew Countryman, Up South & Freedom North
  • Komozi Woodard, Freedom North, Groundwork & Want to Start a Revolution?
6 p.m. Dinner
7 p.m. Black Panther Historiography
  • Robyn Spencer, Historiography of Oakland Panthers
  • Charles Jones, Historiography of Black Panthers
  • Yohuru Williams, Black Panthers and the Black Revolt
  • Donna Murch, The Roots of the Oakland Black Power Movement
9 p.m. Reception: Dinner & Awards at Common Ground | Black Liberation Awards: Chi Ogunyemi, Sam Anderson, Elombe Braith. Maulana Karenga, and Jim Houghton
10 p.m. Jazz Poetry at Common Ground for Hatian Relief
11 p.m. Student party celebrated at Common Ground

Saturday, February 20
Heimbold Visual Arts Center &Reisinger Concert Hall

10 a.m. Welcome at Heimbold; breakfast provided
11 a.m. Want to Start a Revolution? Part One
  • Prudence Cumberbatch, Women’s Leadership in the NAACP in the Great Depression
  • Dayo Gore, Vicki Garvin and Black Internationalism: Harlem, Ghana and China
  • Erik McDuffie, Esther Cooper Jackson, Freedomways and the Long Black Revolt
  • Timothy Tyson, Mable Williams, Self-Defense and the Monroe Movement
1 p.m. Lunch Break at Heimbold, Pub and Bates Dining areas
2 p.m. Want to Start a Revolution? Part Two
  • Premilla Nadasen, Johnnie Tilmon, Black Power & Welfare Rights
  • Erika Huggins & Angela Le Blanc-Ernest, Oakland Community School
  • Josh Guilds, Shirley Chisholm & Black Power Politics
  • Sherrie Randolph, Flo Kennedy, Black Power and Feminism
4 p.m. Black Arts Movement Historiography
  • Margo Natalie Crawford, The Black Woman & Black Arts Movement
  • James Smethurst, The contours of the Atlanta Black Arts Movement
  • Michael Simanga, Detroit Black Arts and Black Power: Identity & Struggle
  • Kimberly Ellis, August Wilson and the Pittsburgh Black Arts Legacy
  • Alwin Jones, Black Arts Poetics
6 p.m. Dinner @ Common Ground
7 p.m. Jazz Poetry for Hatian Relief at Reisinger Concert Hall

Conference Website: sic.edu
photo source: Jon Keegan 

tags: black power, education, radical

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