Sunday, February 7, 2010

What you can do for Ayiti

Posted by the ghetto intellectual 2/7/2010


Dig it!


Disaster relief with human rights
Support Haitian-led, Haiti-capacity building relief effort - sustain human rights, healing and dignity. Help us save and protect the lives, lands, property and human rights of the Haitian survivors displaced by the 2010 earthquake.
1. Emergency Relief: Rescue and recovery
Right now Haiti needs rescue and recovery teams, emergency personnel, doctors and nurses who can provide immediate help to the earthquake victims, help with injuries, surgery and digging those still alive out from under the rubble, provide trauma counseling, food, water, medicine, blankets and shelter.
Haiti needs professionals who are well versed in disaster rescue, recovery and who can bring the relevant life saving equipment and technology needed to lift up the pulverized concrete off crushed victims who are still buried under the rubble. If you are a nurse or doctor or part of such a rescue team, that's what Haiti needs and we suggest you coordinate these efforts DIRECTLY with the Haitian government. Haitians should not be sidelined. Also, there are many Haitian professional associations gathering forces to go to Haiti and collaboration is recommended. To coordinate and synchronize immediate emergency responses and medical assistance, we suggest you contact our Haitian Medical Team Coordinator - Dr. Yves Jodesty in Miami.
2. Send Monies immediately to Haiti relief organizations
Send monies to Haitian-led grassroots, Haitian capacity building organization who have direct access and relationships with the most vulnerable affected by this earthquake. There are many worthy organizations working to assist the earthquake victims. Haitian-led relief efforts: HLLN is fleshing out a response strategy, still in the process of trying to locate many or our collaborators who lived in Port - au - Prince, so we don't yet have information to give you as to some of these grassroots Haitian organizations in Haiti that we've raised funds for and who could be a resource to the volunteer nurses and doctors and relief workers heading to Haiti. Our intention is to reinforce the capacity of Haitian Emergency and First Response Services and then, in true solidarity to rebuild a Haitians' Haiti. We shall post them up as information permits. We recommend that those who want to help, send funds to:
HLLN Relief Fund
NOLA! - We are here -Relief Fund" to continue this work
Our other Haiti partners in Canada, France, Miami, Chicago, Boston, Latin America, Europe and Africa, et al have yet to put their information together. But if we have other recommendations for where it is safe to send monies knowing it will reach the victims and will be sensitive to Haitian human right and dignity, this page will be updated.

3. Collect and send medicine, water and blankets
The list for medical and other emergency items that are needed right now are at Ezili/HLLN's
List of Requested Items for the Earthquake Victims
Send medical supplies to the Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad (AMHE) in New York or in Miami. See below for address locations.
Support long term assistance to raise Haiti out of containment-in-poverty, that does not militarize rescue, recovery, relief, reconstruction. And that prioritizes the needs of the majority of Haiti's pleople not just that of the privilege few and that assures when another such natural disaster strikes again, there won't be this level of damage. Rebuild Haiti's agriculture and infrastructure. Support programs and projects for sustainable economic development in Haiti. For a Rebuilding Plan on Haiti that HLLN put together during the horrific, back-to-back 2008 storms, which is more relevant than ever, except as you read this policy statement for changing the Haiti-US relationship, just substitute "storm victims" to "earthquake victim." Go to:


Haiti-led relief efforts
For information on Haiti-led medical relief efforts please visit AMHE update Contact for the AMHE Relief Mission are Paul Nacier MD pnacier@aol.comand Eric L. Jerome, MD FACP If you're already in Haiti, contact either Dr. Surena of AMHE at the General Hospital or Dr. Lassegue of AHME at 3445 0536 3654 7213. Write to if further logistical assistance are required.
To drop off medical supplies in:
You may also drop off medical supplies to the Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad in New York (AMHE) at: YMCA 1401 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11210. The contact person from the YMCA is Patricia, phone # 646-258-5215.

If they need additional space the Bedford Stuyvesant YMCA will be made available. This will allow AMHE, NY traveling to Haiti to bring supplies. If you are outside of NY you can also mail the supplies directly the Haitian Red Cross in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
New Jersey
Go to
If you are in Miami, bring collected medicine to the Haitian-American Physician Abroad (AMHE) at 144-55 Memorial Highway, Miami Florida at memorial highway baptist church (very close to Jackson hospital) - For more info: Dr. Francelot Moise 786 587 7646 and Dr. Florence Solage. Drop off only emergency medical supplies and MRE's (Meals-Ready-To-Eat). No clothes, blankets, or canned food at this location.
Fritz Pean -
Magalie X -
Jafrikayiti - at & Tune in to livestream/akasantv
If you're in Haiti:
As of January 24, 2010 - Medical help has not reached the epicenter of the earthquake at Kafou. They are in need of help - medical and recovery help. Food, water, and shelter.
The same is needed for the Southern towns of Leoganes, Les Cayes, et al... Please dp not drop food and water from an helicopter. Haitians aren't animals needing feeding, but hurt, traumatized and suffering human beings. They need help but in all that remains, they must be helped in dignity not with guns or disdain. Thank you.
In Port au Prince:

First: Medical help and reinforcement is needed at the SOPUDEP. The Director is Réa Dol . Use our name. They are located behind the Montana if you can get to it.

Address - SOPUDEP (Society of Providence United for the Economic Development of Petion-Ville) School |Ave Panamericaine, angle rue Jean Augustin et Emeric #77
Petion-ville, Haiti

Rea Dol is a long-time HLLN collaborator and may also direct you to where other urgent need is. Try her first. Her regular constituency and reach have the most limited access to med help.

2nd - We are supporting the Haitian doctors of AMHE. Dr. Surena of AMHE is at the General Hospital. Phone contact with Dr. Surena is difficult. So contact Dr. Lassegue of AMHE in Haiti at (011 509) 3445 0536 or at 3654 7213. He will direct you where needs are most urgent. If not you may go to the main hospital "Hopital Universite d'Etat" and work with the AMHE physicians and others there. Please support the Haitian doctors and Haiti's self-reliance, not dependency whenever possible. Dr. Surena can be reached directly at the main hospital and will direct any medical help group to where the needs are most urgent. If you are already in Haiti and need more info on where else in Haiti AMHE doctors are working or see a need for more medical help, email 
Paul Nacier and Eric L. Jerome, MD FACP
3rd - The Cuban doctors at Peace Hospital in Port au Prince also are a good source of on the ground knowledge because they understand Kreyòl and respect Haitian culture, need for dignity and human rights, have been helping, without any press releases, since before the earthquake. Consider offering assistance, supplies and whatever more help they may need. Thank you so much.
The South
There is great, great need of help - water, food, medical treatment, shelter - South of Port au Prince. At the epicenter of the quake at Kafou, and its surrounding flattened neighborhoods and then Leogane, Les Cayes, Jacmel..all points South-west. Petite Goave is shattered. If you set up shop at any of these Southern points, let us know the contact person, so we may direct more Ezili Network help and supplies towards supporting your med relief operations where the need is so great.

NOLA! - - We are here!
Love is stronger than death*
“My decision to destroy the authority of the Blacks in Saint Dominque (Haiti) is not so much based on considerations of commerce and money as on the need to block forever the march of Blacks in the world,” Napoleon explained.
Other information sources spreading the truth about the Haiti |Ezili Dantò Blog | *********************
*"Love is stronger and survives energy transformation." Ezili Dantò of HLLN 

tags: haiti, earthquake, relief effort,

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