Sunday, February 14, 2010

Luxor Egypt

I went up on the roof to get some shots of the sunset. and I was watching it with  hooded crow a few pigeons and sparrows then I saw  a bird fly in to the watchtower of the Mosque first i thought it was a pigeon then it took off and made a bee line for another minaret behind our flat then i noticed it was a kestrel,
 so tomorrow I should get some better shots with my new 100x400 lens.

I reckon this is where she roosts for the night  must get up at first light  at sun up and take a photo with the big zoom lens 
playing hard to photo on the call to prayer platform 

Another reason I could not get a good shot of the Kestrel was the sun was in the lens.
 and the next photos are the reason I went up on the roof to watch the sunset over the Nile And Temple.

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