Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ACORN "pimp" gets punked for real...Bad Karma is a mutha

James O'Keefe, the filmmaker responsible for setting up ACORN staffers, must be thinking that it really is hard out here for a pimp. O'Keefe and several others were arrested on charges stemming from their attempt to infiltrate the office of Senator Mary Landrieu. kzs

Anti-ACORN filmmaker arrested

By: Manu Raju and Erika Lovley
January 26, 2010 04:01 PM EST

Federal authorities have arrested four men on felony charges for attempting to infiltrate Sen. Mary Landrieu’s New Orleans office, including one filmmaker who targeted the community group ACORN last year in damaging undercover videos.

Among those arrested was 25-year-old James O’Keefe, the conservative filmmaker, along with Joseph Basel, Robert Flanagan and Stan Dai, all 24. They were charged with entering federal property under false pretenses and attempting to gain access to the Democrat’s office by posing as telephone repairmen, according to a copy of an FBI affidavit unsealed Tuesday.

The complaint said that O’Keefe was waiting in the office when Flanagan and Basel each entered the premises, wearing light green fluorescent vests, denim paints and blue work shirts, tool belts and hard-hats. They informed a member of Landrieu’s staff that they were telephone repairmen and requested access to the main telephone at the reception desk.

At that point, the two men allegedly attempted to manipulate telephones and accessed the telephone closet, saying they needed to work on the entire system. The men, who said they left their credentials in their vehicles, were arrested by the U.S. Marshals Service soon afterward. O’Keefe, who had been filming the two men on his cell phone camera, was allegedly involved with planning, coordination, and preparation of the operation, according to an affidavit signed by Steven Rayes, special agent at the FBI.

According to the FBI, the four men could each face up to 10 years and a fine of $250,000 if they are convicted. The case, which is being investigated by special agents of the FBI and deputy marshals with the United States Marshal’s Service, is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Jordan Ginsberg.

Read entire story @ Politico

tags: acorn, fbi

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