Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Luxor Temple

Just showing off my new Camera
these photos of Luxor Temple  lit up in the evenings  where taken with my HTC Touch  mobile phone

The Ramsis Pylon and Obolisk This link will take you to my photos of Luxor and other temples that are Quite close to my Flat.
Hapshepsut temple from 5 kilometers away.  
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 Photo taken on one of the Canal bridges West Bank Luxor
Death on the Nile. A tourist died on one of the Cruisers. paramedics were called  and just like the PIED PIPER they all  followed the music   added a bit of excitement to the egyptians dreary day.
 I happened to be coming back on the local ferry.  personally I do not see what fascination these people have in death. someone dies here in the village its a chance of a free meal so all attend the funeral and another excuse to have 3 days off work. 
Sunset crossing the Nile 12/1/10 
And another new house in the process of being built  this has no sense they want to pull these houses down
 but they are still giving permission to build new ones  

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