Friday, January 22, 2010

France denies (withdraws?) complaint against US takeover of Haiti's airport

Afrikans, this should be a lesson for us. The Euro leaders disagree on many things, but they can all get with oppressing Haitians. If only black/Afrikan people were equally united in our dissent. kzs

France's foreign ministry denies objecting to the US handling aid flights
AFP - The French government protested Saturday the US handling of aid flights into Haiti, after a French hospital aircraft was prevented from landing, Secretary of State for Cooperation Alain Joyandet said.

"I have made an official protest to the Americans through the US embassy," Joyandet told reporters at the US-operated airport in Port-au-Prince, the main port of entry into the impoverished Caribbean nation devastated by a massive earthquake.

A French hospital aircraft was turned back from the international airport on Friday, after a major logjam of dozens of planes carrying rescuers and supplies for survivors.

The Haitian government has tasked the United States with operating the airport, whose control tower was destroyed in Tuesday's 7.0-magnitude quake.

Source: France 24

tags: haiti, earthquake, imperialism

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