Monday, January 25, 2010

Maxine Waters's chilling account of the US overthrow Haiti's President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide (dap @ stephanie)

This is outrageous. You (USA) threaten to kill the president and citizens of a sovereign nation and then kidnap that president and his wife, and now you, the enemy, the two-headed hydra bush-clinton monster are "fund raising" for the very nation that you have destroyed. Just thinking about it too hard makes me physically sick...


Barack Obama, POTUS: "We do not use our power to subjugate others, we use it to lift them up!!!"[1]  

Rep. Joe Wilson R-(South Carolina): "You Lie!!" [2]

Moral: A racist, red-neck republican senator can occasionally be right, even if for all the wrong reasons.

*NB: Congresspersons Charlie Rangel and Maxine Water called this a coup. They are now under investigation for "corruption"...coincidence? kzs

Photo credit: indymedia

tag: aristide, coup, geopolitics, george bush, haiti, imperialism, maxine waters

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