Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our Belligerent Government is Already Massaging its Haiti Message...

But the aim is clear. The continuation of over a century of imperialist policy toward Haiti. 

(Dap @ Purnnita)

Haiti Disaster Capitalism Alert: Stop Them Before They Shock Again

By Naomi Klein - January 13th, 2010
Readers of the The Shock Doctrine know that the Heritage Foundation has been one of the leading advocates of exploiting disasters to push through theirunpopular pro-corporate policies. From this document, they're at it again, not even waiting one day to use the devastating earthquake in Haiti to push for their so-called reforms. The following quote was hastily yanked by the Heritage Foundation and replaced with a more diplomatic quote, but their first instinct is revealing:

"In addition to providing immediate humanitarian assistance, the U.S. response to the tragic earthquake in Haiti earthquake offers opportunities to re-shape Haiti’s long-dysfunctional government and economy as well as to improve the public image of the United States in the region." 

Source: Naomi Klein

The US government is directly accountable for the inability of the Haitians to respond adequately to this tragedy. The media and government propaganda is in full swing. Endless racist references to poor, helpless, hapless, backwards Haitians and no mention of how over a hundred years of imperial foreign policy has crippled Haiti. 

With deep sorrow and horror we have heard that a massive earthquake has erupted, further shattering the lives of Haiti’s people.
One of the most impoverished countries on earth, a land of remarkable people, soaring  history, and unspeakable poverty  –  Haiti now lies in ruins.
It is early Wednesday, and we don’t yet have reports to post. Nor does Kasama have some quick analysis to offer. But we do know very well how imperialism has left this people without resources or buffering to uncover the trapped, to heal the wounded, to find the dead.
Shabby construction has produced human tombs. Clinics have reportedly crumbled. The bulk of the people — scattered through the impoverished countryside — are beyond reporting or cameras.
There is one basic truth that roars to the front: The profound injustices of class society mean that natural disasters become man-made disasters.
The shrugs of our dynamic earth, the constant trembling of its skin…. these are natural and inevitable. They are known and expected.
But huge swaths of humanity are unprepared. Billions of human beings live on the edge of starvation — without savings, resources, equipment or the access to the ear of the powerful.

Read entire post @ Mike Ely

tags: earthquake, foreign policy, haiti, imperialism

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