Monday, October 12, 2009


2/3 moon at 6.30

Sun up at 6.25

Full sun at 6.30

Looking through the palm date tree at 6.35.

Waiting for a wind, i have put this on at 3000X 2000 megapixels for you to click on the white seed head.

A new variety of Hibiscus plant

Sugar cane tops are another source of fodder for the cattle & buffalo.
its also used to heat up the clay bread ovens.

A date tree covered in cobwebs. almost looks like cotton wool.

3 milk boys heading to the town

my fly swat.

Sparrows are another early riser on my roof. today for some reason only known to them they were dismantling the nests. there was feathers and dried grass all over my floor, maybe they were have a spring clean, because by early afternoon all the material had gone apart from a few feathers.
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